Yoga in Pregnancy

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Yoga is ancient form of exercise that has contributed in the holistic living of individuals. Yoga involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. In times of pregnancy, women are battling mood swings, fatigue, sickness, painful leg cramps and breathing problems. Yoga exercises, techniques and postures ease all such conditions. Prenatal yoga is a great way to stay active during pregnancy. It’s both gentle and low impact and offers physical and mental benefits.  The aim of pregnancy yoga is to help the mother bring the unborn into the world with minimum hassle and no health complications. Prenatal yoga tones the body, especially the pelvic floor, hip and abdominal core muscles, in preparation for the birthing process. A pregnant woman must take into consideration her health history before beginning with the exercises. For those who are doing yoga for the first time should not rush into the same without prior medical advice. pregnancy yoga near me

Things to keep in mind while performing yoga:

While performing yoga, moms to be, should focus more on stability and strength rather than endurance and flexibility. Ligaments are relaxed due to pregnancy hormones increasing joint mobility which may increase risk of being hurt. Use modifications, props or a wall to make each pose well supported. Centre of gravity shifts in pregnant woman so they are more likely to lose balance and may fall. So yoga poses requiring good balance should be avoided. Need for oxygen increases during pregnancy and it affects the ability to do strenuous exercises. Avoid forward bending asana (strong back bends, such as the boat pose), inverted poses and exercises that might put pressure on the abdomen. Asanas that require lying down on the weight of your stomach should be strictly avoided. For the first trimester of pregnancy, do standing yoga poses. This will help strengthen the legs and enhance circulation. It can even reduce leg cramps. During the second and third trimester, reduce the time spent holding asana to prevent fatigue. Substitute with breathing exercises and meditation. Practice prenatal yoga in a well-ventilated room to avoid overheating. Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Start slow and avoid positions that are beyond your level of experience or comfort. Listen to your body and do as much as you can without undue effort. pregnancy yoga near me

When to stop:

Stop doing exercises if you experience any of the following

  1. Vaginal bleeding or leaking
  2. Giddiness
  3. Chest pain
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Headache
  6. Calf pain or swelling

Benefits of prenatal yoga:

  1. Improve sleep
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety and depression throughout pregnancy
  3. Increase strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth
  4. Decrease lower back pain
  5. Promote healthy weight gain
  6. Improves fitness

Practicing Yoga helps develop the body and mind, yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is essential to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a trained Yoga teacher. pregnancy yoga near me

©Dr Smita Surana
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Rajmangal Orthopedic & Gynecology Clinic, Baner.