Cervical cancer awareness

Types of cervical cancer

Cervical Cancer is a preventable and treatable disease; still, it is the second most common cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in India.

This is because of unawareness about cervical cancer screening and prevention techniques. types of cervical cancer

In India, women are not screened timely because of the stigma and shame associated with exposing private parts.  So we must create an environment for women where they feel comfortable and come forward for screening without fear or embarrassment.

Educating the community about cervical cancer and its prevention will help to reduce the stigma associated with it.

Know about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a condition in which there is abnormal proliferation of cells lining the cervix.
Almost 90% of cases occur due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). types of cervical cancer
This infection usually spreads by unprotected intercourse.

Symptoms of cervical cancer
Early stages of cancer may have no symptoms and hence regular screening is important. Screening helps to identify disease at an early stage and treatment can be started sooner. types of cervical cancer Some common symptoms of cervical cancer are:
  1. Continuous vaginal discharge despite treatment
  2. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge. 
  3. Bleeding after sexual intercourse. 
  4. Bleeding between periods.
  5. Bleeding after menopause. 
  6. Non-healing cervical erosion. 

These symptoms need evaluation by gynaecologist as some other conditions can also present with similar symptoms.

Risk factors for cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is seen more commonly in persons with following habits

  1. Early sexual activity. 
  2. Multiple sexual partners. 
  3. Weak immune system. 
  4. Other sexually transmitted infections. 
  5. Long-term use of oral contraceptive pills. 
  6. smoking.
Cervical cancer prevention

Following measures help to prevent cervical cancer:

Screening with PAP smear:

This test can be performed in OPD by the best gynaecologist in Baner. In this test sample of cervical cells is collected and it is checked for cancerous changes. This test should be performed periodically once the person becomes sexually active. Screening is necessary even after the HPV vaccine. types of cervical cancer

HPV testing:

The same sample collected for a PAP smear can be checked for the presence of HPV infection. This test also needs to be performed regularly to detect cancer at an early stage.

HPV vaccine: Vaccines maintain high antibody levels at the cervical epithelium preventing HPV infection. Ideally, vaccines should be taken from 9-15yrs of age. But it can be given up to 45 years of age. The vaccine is more effective if taken before starting sexual activity. types of cervical cancer

Lifestyle changes:

  1. Avoid early marriage. 
  2. Delay first sexual intercourse until late teens or older.
  3. Practice safe sex by using condoms. 
  4. Limit the number of sexual partners.
  5. Avoid intercourse with people who have multiple sexual partners. 
  6. Quit smoking.
  7. Maintain good nutrition and personal hygiene.
  8. Have regular health checkups. 
To conclude, safe sex, vaccination, and a healthy lifestyle help to prevent cervical cancer. Take screening tests regularly for early detection and timely treatment. If detected early cervical cancer is curable. types of cervical cancer

So “Get informed. Get screened. Get vaccinated.”